A brief history of application development of pumps
A water pump is a refrigeration system that supplies heat from a regulated environment with heat from a condenser. As far as the thermophysical process of the pump system is concerned, it is a special type of use of the refrigerator from the perspective of the working principle of thermodynamics. The main difference between it and the general refrigerator is:
1 The purpose of the use is different. The purpose of the pump is to heat. The research focuses on the heat exchange between the heat exchanger and the external environment on the high-pressure side of the system. The purpose of the refrigerator is to cool or cry. The focus of the research is on the low pressure of the system. The heat exchange between the heat exchanger and the outside side;
2 The system operates in different temperature zones. The water pump uses the ambient temperature as a low-temperature heat source and uses the regulated object as a high-temperature heat source. The refrigerator uses the ambient temperature as a high-temperature heat source and uses the regulated object as a low-temperature heat source. Thus, when the environmental conditions are comparable, the operating temperature of the pump system is higher than the operating temperature of the refrigeration system.
With the development of the industrial revolution at the beginning of the 19th century, there was a strong interest in the ability to "pump" heat from lower temperature media to higher temperature media. British physicist J.P. Joule proposed the principle that "the temperature can be changed by changing the pressure of the compressible fluid." In 1854, Professor W. Thomson (known as Lord Kelvin) published a paper on the concept of a heat multiplier (HeatMultiplier), which first described the idea of a water pump.
At that time, the object of water pump heating was mainly for civilian use, and the total heating demand was small, especially for the influence of heating methods and their influence on the environment. Moreover, the way people use heating is mainly coal and wood. Therefore, the development of heat pumps has lagged behind the development of refrigerators for a long time.
In the 1930s, with the development of Freon refrigerators, pumps have developed rapidly. Especially after World War II, the large-scale demand for heat supply and the relative energy shortage brought about by the rapid development of the industrial economy has promoted large-scale heating and industrial water pumps. In addition, the global energy crisis of 1973 further promoted the development of pumps worldwide.
Fuan Zhongzhi Pump Co., Ltd
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